Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Daily Report 1

The Daily Report:

The Prelude
As I am trying to better myself, as a person and as a hacker, I deiced to write a daily chronicle of my short comings and successes. My mentor has me working to over come my script kiddie pride and my novice mental ignorance. The best example he gave to me to strive for was this: Last semester I had the unfortunate luck to have a class with a Computer Elitist. Although rare and usually Mac users, these individuals tend to have specific software, hardware, and OSs that they believe are only worthy of them (quite annoying, they can be, when they throw their new Iphone in you face). Eventually we got on the subject of hackers, and this arrogant prick went on for a good hour about how the "hacker" could not exist because it was a contradiction in terms, and that anyone calling themselves a hacker was really nothing more than an adolescent doing pranks from a thousand miles away (apparently they guy had never really read The Mentor's Manifesto - http://www.technozen.com/manifesto.htm). I brought what this prick had arrogantly said to my Mentor, and comment that I would pray daily for Mitnick or one founders to come destroy this elitist pos with their Kung-fu. With out skipping a beat, my Mentor told me this - "If Kevin or Linus, or any of the others came across an arrogant rant like that, they would smile. Yes the smile would quietly be saying, "If you only knew.", but nothing would happen - they are at that point where beneath them to honor such arrogance with a response." That moment has pushed me towards writing this section of my blog, simply to keep track of how far I am, and how far I need to go.

The Psyco X
Finals of last semester gave me a cursed blessing that I will remember for the rest of my life. I was in the throws of academic testing when suddenly a ran into a girl I knew. I had been going to lunches very occasionally with her group of friends (this happened after I had unsuccessfully tried to date one of her friends). After spending a whole day on campus with her, I took her back to my house and we watched a few Futurama episodes (its a good cool off for any nerd). Eventually I even took to my parents house for supper (we had actually grown up together at school, I just had never recognized her after she left for college and come back). Eventually she "broke down" in my arms (she later admitted to that being a ploy to get close to me), and we end up making out all night long (I made it to second base). The next day, she came right back over, and made me the happiest man alive - I lost my V card. However, 3 weeks later, I found out she really just wanted to have sex. To get me stop loving her, she said some hurtful things, cheated on me, and - worst of all - she still wanted to be friends. WTF! Zoom ahead to the present - 6 weeks after we broke up - she wont leave me. I have had to block her off of every IM client, every social networking, and even my cell phone. Double WTF!

How does this effect me presently? Besides needing to get a court order, I have had to keep myself in line. I mean there is the usual, I want to bitch slap her back to the whore house from which she came, but more importantly I need to control the impulse to use my skilz for revenge. On the one hand, she does deserve to have her Master Boot Record corrupted, her registry virus infested, and her windows files...well they can be left alone, they corrupt themselves. On the other hand, if I give her a piece of my mind and my kung-fu I would be no better than she is. The korny and inevitable quote, "With great power comes great response ability." But more importantly that is not a hacker. What I mean is, I would become a cracker, script kiddie 4 life, or any other hacker evil spin off - but I would no longer be, no could I ever become a hacker. God, the temptation is there, and at the script kiddie level hackers will say and think about it, but never do it. That is what separates us from the actual script kiddies. Though its not techniclly hacking if you just happen to change her back ground to lesbian slut porn, and you just happen to lock her out from changing those settings. That's a prank that hasn't harmed a single byte of data.

--The Student

You build atomic bombs, you wage wars, you murder, cheat, and lie to us and try to make us believe it's for our own good, yet we're the criminals. -- The Mentor

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